Tuesday, May 17, 2005

more IM wisdom or lack thereof

ME:I figure, maybe he thinks he's safe since I'm fat as a cow at the moment, and therefore he thinks I'm incapable of attracting another man.
[snip] and I don't mean that is specifically related to his decision to run off to Iraq. just that he doesn't really try anymore. But, I'm working my ass off in the gym, and I'll get back to being happy with my state of fitness and won't feel so insecure and that's that. If my needs aren't being met, maybe I'll have the courage to do something about it. But I'm not famous for that ability.
OTHER PERSON: there's a natural decline in "woo-age" from the initial peak to some steady-state value.
[other person says something about the "stupid stuff" men do at the beginning of the relationship but not later -- i.e. romantic, nice gestures, etc.]
ME: I know. But if the steady-state value leaves me unhappy, then, well, ack. And, if it's "stupid" to him, then that's not what I want. I need to feel cared about and unique in his life. If I'm not, or it's not in his nature to help me see that, then that's likely to be a problem for me.

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