I have some stressful cr@p hanging over my head -- as usual, but more than usual. A thesis to pull out of you-know-where by February, Step II CS in Houston in, oh, 3 days (@!*$^!*!!!), Step II CK on Dec 22, and oh, I will *hopefully* find out that I got a Navy internship on Dec 13. Otherwise, I will be in one foul and panicked mood that day.
So, with so many things to do and worry about and study for, I have, of course, knit way too much, and bought wayyyyy too much yarn and notions, and naturally, have developed a new obsession on Ebay. It started with me just trying to find a nice, simple, antique red bottle for my boyfriend's mother, who has a bunch of beautiful Avon bottles on her windowsil, and has often lamented the absence of a red one. So then I start seeing all the wonder of this thing called the "Cape Cod" collection of ruby red Avon tablewear. I'd probably think it was hideous if I saw it in some crazy old aunt's parlor, but now I'm obsessed with it's freakish vintage beauty. And in my quest for Avon bottles for not-at-all-mother-in-law, I won wayyy too many auctions. So she has presents for a few years coming, and I get to keep a few myself. But still I can't stop looking at that damn Cape Cod collection on Ebay. I am horribly fixated on a pedestaled cake stand. Now what the F(*& am *I* going to have time to do with a CAKE STAND as I attempt to graduate medical school and then move on to my first Navy post?!!? I don't know, but I want that damn cake stand so bad I'm reconsidering making that pain in the @ss Martha Stewart Snowflake covered fondant packaged fruitcake I slaved over last year. I've reawakened my obsession with snowflake cookie cutters because of this. I have snowflake cookie cutters in wishlists left and right. Did you know Ebay has this thing called Ebay Express, and it lets you make wishlists? Now, wtf Ebay Express is supposed to offer you I don't know. I just know their pages were loading @ss slow all night yet I still sat here and waited to see the avon glass, the tackle binders I now want to hold my knitting needles, and the 4000 cookie cutters....
My god man, you couldn't possibly be reading this, right?
Anyway, right, back to the knitting.
I finished Sophie in Kureyon, but she still needs a shave:
And a Silk Garden fishtail lace scarf:
And half a pair of fingerless mitts:
(pattern/yarn documentation is on my flickr pages, and I'm too lazy to put it in here at the moment -- sorry)
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