We have acquired another kitten, to soothe the frightening emerging cat-lady in me, and to keep Ferris company. We call her Bitey. (See the Simpson's monorail episode, anyone? "I call the big one Bitey!") She's not that Bitey anymore, most of the time, but it's really amusing to watch the vet tech come out to the waiting room and call her name....
She is a very meowy kitten. Cat really. She's about 7+ months old now, or so we estimate. She has some of the most expressive, warbling, variable pitch meows I've ever heard. And she sucks on the couch pillows' fringe, in full-out suckle mode, kneading the pillow and purring like crazy. She'll do it until she falls asleep, then if you pet her she awakens and picks up where she left off, the fringe still anchored in her mouth. And she has these whacky tufts of fur coming out between the pads of her paws. She slides all around the floor because of them. Actually, today we saw some Nature show on PBS about the "Land of the Falling Lakes" in Croatia, and they showed "wild forest cats" which looked almost EXACTLY like Bitey. Maybe she escaped from Croatia and is a refugee forest cat. She's going to eat us in our sleep. We've always suspected that.... Cats are evil, but they can't help it. And probably wouldn't, if they could. I need to sleep; I sound crazier than usual!
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