Thursday, January 04, 2007

Who shears the possum?

Did you know there's yarn made from possum fur? You probably did. I did not. Now I do. I LOVE the thought of it. One queston though -- who harvests said possum fur? Have you ever tried to lay hands on an adult possum? Even a baby possum? I have. They're fierce creatures. Does someone RAISE possums for yarn? How amusing. Or do they have secret dens where they rub on something and deposit their fur, and some dedicated yarn spinner sneaks in and steals said fur (thereby probably freezing a possum in the winter who counted on it for bedding or something)? I really want to know, where does this possum fur come from, and how is it acquired!? Maybe there's a sheep/goat-possum cross out there. Now THAT would be good.

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