Saturday, September 17, 2005

Big Wool

So I've been obsessed with acquiring Rowan Big Wool for a sweater, despite the fact that I have more yarn than anyone could reasonably knit in a lifetime. Well, not anyone, just me probably, because I knit super-slow and don't even have time for that these days. But I do have an @ssload of yarn.

Anyway, I might actually win some on Ebay. "Win." Ha. like I won't still be paying more than I can afford. Now I realize that none of the patterns I have are suitable (they're either ugly/not right or also require Biggy Print). So I just spent 3 hours surfing around looking for a nice pattern for Big Wool. When I don't even have the frigging yarn yet.

Did I mention procrastination?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Rowan Big Wool yarn is the most fabulously delicious yarn. When I was about 1/2 way through knitting my first scarf I came upon it in the LYS. It was ridiculous for me to even consider buying it at my skill level. I could NOT resist it. Bought 2 balls and still haven't used it. I am scared and I don't have a pattern. I think I may just use it for a scarf. We shall see!