Monday, April 11, 2005

How many things can I knit at once?

Well, one, technically... but I've got I-don't-know-how-many works in progress at the moment.
  • The not-quite-a-wedding-present shawl in blue. (Candy-fx in blue, soft-kid in palest blue, and Sevilla ribbon in silver-white -- using a modification of the Fiesta Gelato and Rayon Boucle tasseled shawl)
  • The original effort at the not-quite-a-wedding-present wrap, in red and gold Karabella Gossamer.
  • My silly Homespun "pretty knit poncho" from the Lion Brand website.
  • An Alien Illusion Scarf of course
  • (damn, what's with the F-15-sounding jets over Brookline right now?)
  • A raspberry red chenille scarf for Mrs. D to go with her hat, which is too big I think....
  • There's more, I know there's more, I just can't think of it right now.
  • Oh yes, those damn socks. What can I do with my other fancy sock yarn, since I know now that I can't stand knitting socks?

And let's not talk about how much yarn I bought at the Woolcott & Co. sale last weekend.

Maybe I should do my taxes.

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