Sunday, February 04, 2007

Oh, and by the way, I DON'T RECOMMEND HST for Medical School!

Oh, and by the way, I DO NOT RECOMMEND GOING TO THE HST PROGRAM OF HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL!!!!! Unless they have some fantastic mentor doing exactly what you are interested in for your required MD thesis, or unless you are damn certain you need no mentoring, and have no desire to offer any constructive feedback, EVER, to the administration -- then, and only then, maybe, you could consider thinking about considering it very verrrrry carefully.

If you came upon this post via some search and you are actually considering the Harvard-MIT HST MD Program -- feel free to send me a message/comment and I'd LOVE to make sure you get another perspective. For the sake of all that is happiness and sanity and a good education, etc etc. And, I'll even connect you with some people who aren't as bitter as I am, in an attempt to be fair and all that.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Still there and alive?

If all else fails - transfer.

I am not a fan of MD thesis programs - you have enough to do and the military will normally yank you after 4 years, even if you need more time.

HPSP doesn't care where you go, just that you keep on trucking.

and if you need contact with some a few years ahead of you in the Navy, I know a number