Sunday, January 15, 2006

3rd year of medical school continues to suck the life out of me

So. Three months of surgery came and went. And, surprise surprise, I didn't have much time to post a darn thing. In fact, I don't really even remember posting the Swedish Chef'erized message below. Barely, maybe.

I thought surgery would suck @ss, to put it mildly, and that I would be much more pleased during my medicine rotation. I figured I'd hate the shallow-minded hurried nature of surgery, and also that I'd get "pimped"/harassed relentlessly with crazy-picky questions, and have not a moment to myself. Let's just say that it turns out that my current medicine rotation makes surgery look like a vacation.

I don't expect to be writing much for awhile. Actually, I shouldn't even be writing this. I don't mean to whine, but really, do you REALIZE that interns work ALL THE FREAKING TIME?!?!?! At least, as a student, I'm not actually counted on to DO much, but they sure are, and they never get a moment to themselves. They're lucky if they get one day a week off, and I mean that. Now think about it, honestly -- wouldn't you start to lose it if you maybe got one day a week to sleep more than a few hours, do all your laundry, grocery shopping, misc errands, etc? And forget doing things like getting a haircut, going to the dentist, or Mule-forbid, getting to a doctor's appointment to actually take care of yourself. Doesn't this seem STUPID -- BEYOND STUPID -- to anyone else? It's not like there's a shortage of college students fighting tooth and nail to get into medical school! It's not like there's a shortage of people who want to be doctors -- although there WILL be, if they ever realize what their lives will be like, before it's too late and they're already up to their asses in loans or military commitments! But of course it comes down to money. It costs more to hire more house staff. And then we could discuss the continuity of care issues involved, but I need to eat and sleep on this strange day when I'm actually HOME.